Stand up Bollywood

Bollywood is in the eye of a storm. The industry that did yeoman service for the masses by entertaining them has suddenly become a cesspool, a term Big B used for politics. Nevertheless, Bollywood has been providing three hours of power-packed action, fantasy, joy and  romance — all for the price of peanuts. It made people laugh, cry, filled them with rage, and made them partake in the world of make-believe. It aroused and awakened too, at times. All that has been pushed to the backburner. But before blaming Bollywood for all that is bad in the society we need to pause and ponder. In more than a century of its history, the Mumbai film industry has served the society in a way few industries have done. It has researched like no institution could do, it has taught like no teacher would have done. It de-stressed the masses, at a price that the common man could afford. It provided an outlet for the pent up feelings of the people, made them rejoice and giggle, filled them with ecstasy, made them forget their sorrows casting a magical spell. There was a salutary hangover too. People would talk and discuss even after they had seen the film. No mean service to a huge majority that was starved for pleasure and joy. It advocated the right lessons too. That it’s the good that triumphs over the evil in the end. Or as you sow so you reap. All of a sudden, everything is being painted black. So black that it reeks of a design. Reasons are not far to seek. Francis Bacon once said that if you go deep into any problem you will find people. Only, replace people with politics. Man, after all, is a political animal. So if you go deep into a problem, you will find politics. Dirty politics. Forget those blame games. Forget those ideas of cronyism and syndicate, lobbies and pressure groups. They are everywhere. Even in the noblest of institutions. We must go back to the basics. And that reminds of the class four English language idiom — A bad workman blames his tools. There is a hindi equivalent, too, and in Bollywood lingo: “If you don’t know how to dance, you find fault with the dancing floor”. Films and the film world are of a different genre and for a different purpose. To be objective, films don’t create society, they reflect society. And on this count they are more real than many  news channels which pollute the society more than the films. Films are market driven and showcase the society. There is no formula for a hit film nor a lobby. It is the film goer who decides and he is highly erratic. Interestingly, he himself doesn’t know why. Same happens in the case of  film stars. Or else meagre budget and no star film like Jai Santoshi Maa would not have been a bigger hit than the mega budget multi-starrer Sholay in the same year. Coming to stars making it big, examples galore prove that it’s God given merit and not Godfather. From Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar and Rajkumar to Amitabh Bachchan, Shatrughan Sinha and the like prove that it is only merit. And failure of star sons confirms this. One last take. And a crucial one. While many news channels try selling lies as truth, films are doing it the other way round. Bollywood must stand and the show must go on.

Lessons from Bhagavad Gita

With no end in sight, the Corona pandemic continues to take its toll on human health. More in terms of mental than physical. The fatality rate due to the corona infection still hovers around two to three percent but the intriguing feature is that the fear of the pandemic is such that as if anybody who catches corona is going to die. There are diseases that kill more people than corona, yet more people are fearing corona than all the other diseases taken together. One probable reason may be that there is no certain treatment in sight. Of course, claims to the contrary are there in big numbers. However, the important point is the fear of the pandemic and its impact on human mind. And the answers are not easy to find. Even as the International Labour Organisation study finds that one out of two young people are subject to anxiety and depression, there are scant efforts to handle this psycodemic. The young apart, the old as well as the children, are also suffering from the mental distress. The Covid-19 protocol further adds to stress and fear. The very feeling that wearing mask gives is sickening. People are scared to venture out and are confined to homes unless it is necessary. As we appear clueless about the answer to the pandemic, let us try to find the solution in the Bhagavad Gita. The lessons may, perhaps, show us the way to cope with Corona fear and anxiety. Many of us, like Arjuna, are burdened with anxiety and fear of the impending war and seem to have given up. It is this giving up that is the most dangerous of all the psychological states that leads to most of the problems of mental health. Arjuna, out of fear of adverse outcome, tells the Lord that he sees little point in fighting the war which he is not sure to win. Rather, in the heart of his hearts, he thinks he is going to lose. It is then that Lord Krishna recites his essential Gita lessons, suggesting why fighting is important, winning or losing being of little consequence. So Krishna tells Arjuna to drive away his fear and ready himself for the war. We are in a similar plight in this Covid situation and our fear is of defeat or death and anxiety of uncertainty of the outcome. Gita lessons offer the panacea for living in turbulent times which in Management jargon is a VUCA world, that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. The principal lessons of Gita can be summed up in the following basic tenets. First and foremost is to drive away your fears and submit to God with full faith. The second is to prepare yourself to fight and for this you need to learn to control your mind, which is the biggest distraction. The third tenet is to focus on effort and not to worry about the results. Worrying about the results will sap vital energy you need to apply, in order to put wholehearted efforts. The results are not in your hands as some other force controls the outcome. You only have right to efforts. But the Lord also says that if efforts are put in wholeheartedly and with full faith in God results will be achieved. As the battle with Corona is still on, fear is the biggest detriment in influencing the efficacy of our response. Have faith in God and fight.